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Sports Premium

Following the 2012 Olympics, schools received extra funding in the form of the Sports Premium, in order to maintain the Olympic Legacy by delivering high quality opportunities for PE within the curriculum.

Primary schools receive an extra £8000 plus £5 per child in order to ensure  the delivery of  a wide range of PE and sports activities. We have spent this funding in a range of ways to make an impact on levels of fitness and activity amongst children in our school. We also believe that improving levels of health and fitness has a knock on effect in improving levels of well-being, self-esteem and academic attainment.

Our Sports Offer in 2023-24

At St Francis of Assisi, we provide high quality PE lessons within the curriculum, as well as many opportunities to participate in PE in competition with other schools. We also provide a wide range of PE activities outside curriculum time.

West Lancashire School Sports Partnership

We work closely with expert coaches from West Lancashire Schools Sports Partnership, who deliver PE for two days per week of PE activities to all children in all KS1 and 2 classes, as well as offering related extra-curricular opportunities on these days.

Activities have included:

  • Tennis, wall and net games
  • Athletics
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance
  • Striking and fielding Games
  • Invasion Games
  • Born to Move

AG&T/SEN Provision

WLSSP also provides a comprehensive range of opportunities for children who need challenge and support to access PE and sports opportunities. These include:

  • Street Dance
  • Trampolening
  • Advanced Swimming

Healthy Lifestyles Action Research

We have recently become involved through our partnership with WLSSP in action research run by Edge Hill University into healthy lifestyles and the effect that exercise has upon children's health, well-being and achievement. Children in our Y5 classes have worn wrist monitors to assess baseline levels of activity and other health related data has been gathered. The children in this group have been able to access extra interventions in the form of high energy dancersise sessions, daily Born to Move sessions and other activities. This research will be on-going.

Extra-curricular Opportunities for Sport

The range of after-school activities available to children includes:

  • Football
  • Netball
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Cricket
  • Curling
  • Athletics
  • Handball
  • Basketball

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club provides a daily opportunity for PE activity in the school hall, including dodgeball, dance, wake up, shake up and skipping games. This provides a fantastic opportunity to have an active start to the day. children also receive a nutritious breakfast and get the chance to make an informal and pleasant start to the school day.

Our Lady Queen of Peace Engineering College

Twice each year, children from KS2 rehearse dance routines, under the guidance of our own Mrs Lamph and choreographers from OLQP (the school we feed into). These form the basis of challenging and entertaining routines that form part of the Winter Wonderland and Boogie Wonderland show for parents at the theatre in OLQP.


During the summer term, children in Y6 take part in a series of sessions designed to improve their biking skills and to make them aware of the risks of road use.

Offsite Visits

Children in Y5&6 get the opportunity to take part in an annual adventurous activity residential at Tower Wood on the shores of Lake Windermere, or at Borwick Hall, Carnforth. Children in Y2 have had the opportunity to visit Crosby Marina as part of a day trip or a one night stay-over.

Inter-school Competitions and Events

Children have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of competitions run by West Lancashire School Sports Partnership, SHARES cluster sports and events run by Our Lady Queen of Peace Engineering College.

Primary School Olympics: WLSSP

SHARES Athletics

SHARES Swimming Gala

Intra-school Competitions

House Matches

Sports Days

Daily Mile

Annual Sponsored Daily Mile for Blossom's Legacy

School Sports Award

We currently hold the School Sports Bronze Award in recognition of the quality of the PE on offer in our school.

Priorities for the Future

We will be maintaining our partnership with WLSSP, continuing their input for two full days so that all children from Y1 to Y6 can benefit from PE lessons delivered by their coaches throughout the school year. We will also be buying into a number of 'bolt-on' initiatives including Bikeability and Mini Wheelers for the Reception children.


In 2023-24, we spent  £5,731 on swimming sessions at Nye Bevan Baths, delivered by coaches from SHARES.  In 2023-24, 94% of children achieved NC standards in swimming. Those who did not achieve the expected standard attended further swimming booster sessions.


The range and quality of PE and sports opportunities with and outside the curriculum is of a high quality. Children regularly engage in exercise and teachers report that this has a direct impact upon their ability to concentrate in lessons. Those who are reluctant to engage in physical activity are targeted and encouraged to be involved in activities that match their interests.