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All about us!​​​​​​​

In Reception Class, our class teacher is Miss Berry and we are helped by Mrs YoungMrs Gibson and Mrs Priestman. They know lots about the Early Years Foundation Stage and together they have years and years of school experience.

Our school day starts at 8.45am and that's when the fun begins! In Reception, the children have many jobs to do, including daily phonicsreadingwritingnumber and shape work and physical activities. But mostly, their days are spent exploringtrying and thinking of their own ideas of what to do next. It's busy work, but they don't mind having a go

In Reception, we have two'Key Person Teams', and we spend time together in our teams everyday at 11.45am. This is a time for us to talkshare and discuss all different things.

Things to remember:

* PE is on a Thursday

(children with pierced ears must have earrings removed or covered)

* Toast money is £1 per week 

(this is paid through Parent Pay. Please ask at the office for more information)

* Milk money is £7.95 per half term for children who are 5,

  starting from the half term in which they turn 5. This is

  payable at the start of the half term to the office

(this is free for children who are entitled to free school dinners)

* Reading books are changed on a Tuesday and Friday. Parents must write in children's home reading record to show it needs to be changed