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3/4 M

Welcome to Year 3/4!

On this page you will find information about some of the learning we are doing in class. Remember to check out the school Instagram and Facebook pages for the latest information. 


Year 3/4 PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. The children will need to bring their PE kits to school on these days, including suitable footwear.

Homework is sent out each Friday and is to be returned by the following Thursday.

TimeTablesRockStar (TTRS) we strongly encourage all children to access this at home with their individual login. 

Reading- all children are allocated books to read at home. 

Toast- £1 a week.


Staff in year 3/4:

Class teacher - Miss Moore

HLTA - Mrs Gibson

TA - Mrs Langham 


Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

In the Summer term, Year 4 children will take an online check regarding their understanding, fluence and ability to recall key times table facts.