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Values and Ethos

We love and grow in Christ
We live and learn in partnership
We build and share together

Our Mission Statement sums up all that we try to achieve in our school. We are, first and foremost, a Catholic school, living out the Gospel values drawn from the Beatitudes, Christ’s Sermon on the Mount. Our faith underpins and shapes our ethos in the way that we relate to each other, develop ourselves as lifelong learners, aspire to be responsible members of our community and seek to engender a sense of tolerance and respect towards all.

It is our aim to work in the partnership of home, school and parish to ensure that children learn to apply these values consistently throughout their lives, fulfilling their potential, succeeding and achieving.

At St Francis of Assisi Catholic School we seek

  • to provide an environment that is happy, inclusive, safe and secure
  • to work together to provide an inspirational, varied, and challenging curriculum that promotes a lifelong love of learning
  • to evaluate and monitor our practice constantly to ensure high standards of behaviour and achievement
  • to encourage each member of the school community to live their life in accordance with Gospel values and to make a positive contribution to society

Promoting Fundamental British Values

Alongside and incorporated within our Gospel values, in accordance with The Department for Education, we aim to actively promote British values in our school. We do this in order to ensure that young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.

The Key Values are:

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs