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Catholic Life

We love and grow in Christ

We live and learn in partnership

We build and share together

Our Mission Statement sums up all that we try to achieve in our school.

We are, first and foremost, a Catholic school, living out the Gospel values drawn from the Beatitudes. Whilst not definitive, the Gospel values based on the Beatitudes may be summarized as follows:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven” 

Values: Faithfulness & Integrity

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted”

Values: Dignity & Compassion

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”

Values: Humility & Gentleness

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied”

Values: Truth & Justice

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”

Values: Forgiveness & Mercy

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God”

Values: Purity & Holiness

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God”

Values: Tolerance & Peace

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of slander against you because of me. Be glad and rejoice for your reward is great in heaven; they persecuted the prophets before you in the very same way”

Values: Service & Sacrifice 

Our faith underpins and shapes the way that we relate to each other, develop ourselves as lifelong learners, aspire to be responsible members of our community and we seek to engender a sense of tolerance and respect towards people of other religions, races and beliefs.

It is our aim to work in the partnership of home, school and parish to ensure that children learn to apply these values consistently throughout their lives.

Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation takes place outside of school and is organised and delivered by members of the Parish, with whom we work closely in order to ensure a consistent approach to these important milestones in the children's lives. As a school family, we join in  celebration with the children as they take these Sacraments for the fist time. 

There are a number of occasions throughout the year when children at our school attend Church. These include:

  • St Francis of Assisi Feast Day Mass

  • Christmas Carol Service

  • Ash Wednesday Mass

  • Leavers' Mass

We hold regular assemblies, which reinforce our Catholic values and the importance of these in making the right choices in the way we conduct ourselves. Some assemblies are a celebration of the topics covered in our R.E. curriculum and are delivered by specific classes. Parents are invited to these assemblies.

The teaching of R.E. forms a vital part of our school curriculum and we deliver this subject through the Archdiocesan scheme entitled 'Come and See.' As a Catholic school, at least 10% of curriculum time per week is spent on R.E. from Early Years Foundation Stage through to Year 6. Through topics taught at each year group, children use their own experiences as a starting point from which to consider a range of issues. We then explore these more deeply, developing an understanding of the teachings of Jesus and the perspective that this gives.

Below, you will find some links that give greater insight into the Catholic life of our school. Please explore them and  feel free to contact us with any feedback you wish to provide.