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Attitudes and Behaviour

Our Approach to Promoting Positive Attitudes and Behaviour

As a child-centred and inclusive school, we recognise that high levels of self-esteem and resilience are the fundamental building blocks of positive attitudes to learning and the way we behave when we interact with others. We seek to incentivise good behaviour and attitudes by providing a variety of rewards that may be class-based, or involve whole-school recognition. Achievement is recognised in weekly departmental assemblies, with rewards for a 'Star of the Week' and 'Outstanding Learner' in each class. These are publicised, using social media platforms, each week. 

Good to be Green

At the beginning of every school year, classes formulate their rules and expectations together. Class reward and sanction systems are based predominantly on the use of Good to be Green, with every child starting off the day with a green card on a chart displayed prominently in class. When children do not meet expectations, they receive a 'Stop and Think' card, placed on their table (or close by them). If this has a positive effect, it is taken back. If children persist in not meeting expectations, they receive a yellow card (indicating a warning) placed in the Good to be Green display at the front of class. Children can get back to green, if they modify their behaviour accordingly. If they do not do so, this may be replaced by a red card, which indicates a consequence, such as staying in at playtime. 

Children who stay on a green card throughout the week, receive a raffle ticket, which goes into a termly draw for a prize. The more tickets a child has, the better their chances of winning. Our behaviour policy (below) contains more details on how we approach behaviour management in school.